The Divine Lamp

Theological and Thematic Connections Between the Readings for the 15th Sunday in OT, Year B

Posted by carmelcutthroat on June 20, 2024

 This post consist of two parts. The first summarizes the readings and draws connections between them and does the same with pertinent catechism passages. The second part contains questions for study and review.

Connections Between the Readings and Catechism References



The readings highlight themes of divine calling, mission, and the fulfillment of God’s sovereign plan. Amos and the apostles are both called to serve despite opposition or humble beginnings, reflecting the idea that God empowers and sends individuals to continue His work. The psalm and Ephesians passage both emphasize God’s faithfulness, salvation, and the spiritual blessings bestowed upon believers. The catechism references further illuminate these themes by explaining the role of the Church, the Holy Spirit, and the importance of prayer and understanding in the Christian life. Together, these texts encourage believers to trust in God’s plan, live righteously, and actively participate in the mission of the Church.

First Reading: Amos 7:12-15

Amos, a shepherd and a sycamore fig farmer, is called by God to prophesy to Israel. Despite opposition from Amaziah, the priest of Bethel, Amos remains faithful to his divine calling.

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14

This psalm expresses a deep yearning for God’s salvation and peace, emphasizing God’s steadfast love and faithfulness, righteousness, and peace. It looks forward to a time when God’s glory will dwell in the land.

Second Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14 or 1:3-10

Paul blesses God for the spiritual blessings bestowed in Christ, emphasizing themes of divine election, adoption, redemption, and the ultimate unity of all things in Christ. This passage highlights the preordained plan of God for salvation and the inheritance of believers.

Alleluia Verse: cf. Ephesians 1:17-18

A prayer for the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that believers may know God better, understand the hope to which He has called them, and grasp the riches of His glorious inheritance.

Gospel: Mark 6:7-13

Jesus sends out the twelve apostles, giving them authority over unclean spirits and instructing them to rely on God’s provision. They preach repentance, cast out demons, and heal the sick.

Connections and Catechism References

  1. Divine Calling and Mission

    • Amos 7:12-15: Amos is called by God to prophesy despite his humble background and opposition.
    • Mark 6:7-13: The apostles are sent out by Jesus to preach, cast out demons, and heal the sick.
    • Catechism 765: The Church is founded on the apostles, whom Christ sends out to continue His mission (cf. Mark 6:7-13).
    • Catechism 1506, 1511, 1673: The authority given to the apostles to heal the sick and cast out demons reflects the Church’s mission to continue Jesus’ healing ministry.
  2. God’s Sovereign Plan and Salvation

    • Ephesians 1:3-14: This passage emphasizes God’s eternal plan of salvation, predestination, and the blessings in Christ.
    • Psalm 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14: The psalm reflects God’s promises of salvation and righteousness.
    • Catechism 51-52, 257, 294: These sections discuss God’s revelation and the eternal plan of salvation, highlighting the divine intention to bring humanity into communion with Him.
    • Catechism 1042-1043, 1066, 1077, 1083: These sections focus on the fulfillment of God’s plan and the eschatological hope, resonating with the themes of unity and the ultimate inheritance mentioned in Ephesians.
  3. The Role of the Holy Spirit

    • Ephesians 1:17-18: Paul prays for the Spirit of wisdom and revelation for believers.
    • Catechism 158, 2632: These sections emphasize the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding believers to understand God’s mysteries and in intercessory prayer.
    • Catechism 693, 698: These sections describe the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Christ and the Spirit of adoption, echoing themes in Ephesians of being sealed with the Holy Spirit.
  4. Faithfulness and Righteousness

    • Psalm 85:9-14: Emphasizes God’s steadfast love, faithfulness, righteousness, and peace.
    • Catechism 214, 2795: Discuss God’s attributes of faithfulness and love, as well as our call to participate in His divine nature through prayer and righteous living.
  5. Church and Apostolic Mission

    • Mark 6:7-13: The apostles are sent out to preach and heal.
    • Catechism 772, 796: These sections highlight the Church as the Body of Christ and the bride of Christ, built on the foundation of the apostles’ mission.
    • Catechism 1426, 1671: Reflect the Church’s role in continuing the apostolic ministry through the sacraments and blessings.
  6. Understanding and Knowledge of God

    • Ephesians 1:17-18: Emphasizes the need for spiritual enlightenment to understand God’s calling.
    • Catechism 2603, 2627, 2641: These sections discuss prayer and praise as means of deepening our understanding of God’s will and His glory.


Divine Calling and Mission

  1. Amos 7:12-15 & Mark 6:7-13

    • How did Amos respond to the opposition from Amaziah, and what does this tell us about his commitment to God’s calling?
    • What instructions did Jesus give to the apostles when He sent them out, and what was the significance of these instructions?
  2. Catechism References: 765, 1506, 1511, 1673

    • How does the sending of the apostles in Mark 6:7-13 relate to the Church’s mission as described in Catechism 765?
    • What role do healing and exorcism play in the Church’s mission according to Catechism 1506, 1511, and 1673?

God’s Sovereign Plan and Salvation

  1. Ephesians 1:3-14 & Psalm 85:9-14

    • What themes of predestination and divine blessing are present in Ephesians 1:3-14?
    • How does Psalm 85 express the anticipation of God’s salvation and righteousness?
  2. Catechism References: 51-52, 257, 294, 1042-1043, 1066, 1077, 1083

    • How do the Catechism sections 51-52 and 257 explain God’s plan of revelation and salvation?
    • In what ways do Catechism sections 1042-1043 and 1066-1083 connect with the eschatological hope mentioned in Ephesians 1?

The Role of the Holy Spirit

  1. Ephesians 1:17-18

    • What does Paul pray for regarding the believers’ knowledge and understanding in Ephesians 1:17-18?
  2. Catechism References: 158, 2632, 693, 698

    • How do Catechism sections 158 and 2632 describe the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding believers?
    • What is the significance of the Holy Spirit as described in Catechism sections 693 and 698 in the context of Ephesians 1?

Faithfulness and Righteousness

  1. Psalm 85:9-14

    • What attributes of God are celebrated in Psalm 85, and how do they relate to the overall message of the psalm?
  2. Catechism References: 214, 2795

    • How do the attributes of God described in Catechism 214 relate to the themes of Psalm 85?
    • What does Catechism 2795 say about our call to participate in God’s divine nature through prayer?

Church and Apostolic Mission

  1. Mark 6:7-13

    • What does the sending of the apostles in Mark 6:7-13 teach us about the nature of the Church’s mission?
  2. Catechism References: 772, 796, 1426, 1671

    • How do Catechism sections 772 and 796 describe the Church’s role as the Body of Christ?
    • In what ways do the Catechism sections 1426 and 1671 reflect the continuation of the apostolic ministry through the sacraments and blessings?

Understanding and Knowledge of God

  1. Ephesians 1:17-18

    • What is the significance of spiritual wisdom and revelation according to Paul in Ephesians 1:17-18?
  2. Catechism References: 2603, 2627, 2641

    • How do the Catechism sections 2603, 2627, and 2641 describe the role of prayer and praise in deepening our understanding of God’s will?

Summary Questions

  1. How do the themes of divine calling and mission in Amos and Mark reflect the broader mission of the Church as outlined in the Catechism?
  2. In what ways do Ephesians and Psalm 85 together underscore the importance of God’s sovereignty and salvation plan?
  3. Discuss how the Holy Spirit’s role is highlighted in both Ephesians and the Catechism, and its importance for the believer’s spiritual growth.
  4. What insights about God’s faithfulness and righteousness can be drawn from Psalm 85 and related Catechism teachings?
  5. How do the Gospel readings and the Catechism emphasize the continuation of Jesus’ mission through the Church?

These questions are designed to help you delve deeper into the connections between the scripture readings and the teachings of the Catechism, fostering a comprehensive understanding of the themes and their application in the Christian faith.

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