The Divine Lamp

Summary and Connections: Saturday of the 14th Week in Ordinary Time, Year 2

Posted by carmelcutthroat on June 20, 2024


These readings together convey a powerful message about the majesty and sovereignty of God, the call to holiness and faithful service, the importance of fearing God above all else, and the assurance of His care and protection. Isaiah’s vision, the psalmist’s praise, and Jesus’ teachings all underscore the reverence due to God and the courage required to follow His call, trusting in His everlasting dominion and faithfulness.

First Reading: Isaiah 6:1-8

For a brief summary of Isaiah’s time period and some major theological points, go here.

This passage describes Isaiah’s vision of the Lord seated on a high and lofty throne, with seraphim attending Him. Isaiah is overwhelmed by his own sinfulness but is purified when a seraph touches his lips with a burning coal. When the Lord asks, “Whom shall I send?”, Isaiah responds, “Here am I; send me!”

Response: Psalm 93:1a

“The Lord is king; he is robed in majesty.”

Psalm: Psalm 93:1-2, 5

This psalm celebrates God’s kingship and His eternal and unshakable reign. It emphasizes the stability and holiness of God’s decrees and His house.

Gospel Acclamation: 1 Peter 4:14

“If you are insulted for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.”

Gospel: Matthew 10:24-33

In this passage, Jesus teaches His disciples about the cost of discipleship. He tells them not to fear those who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul, and to fear only God. Jesus reassures them of their value to God, reminding them that every hair on their head is counted.

Connections Between the Readings:

  1. The Majesty and Sovereignty of God:
    • Isaiah 6:1-8: Isaiah’s vision of the Lord on His throne emphasizes God’s supreme majesty and holiness.
    • Psalm 93:1-2: This psalm praises God’s eternal kingship and the majesty of His reign.
    • Both readings highlight the awe-inspiring nature of God’s sovereignty and majesty.
    • Catechism on God’s Greatness: 41, 223, 272, 283, 300, 306, 1147
  2. Holiness and Purification:
    • Isaiah 6:1-8: Isaiah is purified by a seraph before he can accept God’s call.
    • Psalm 93:5: God’s decrees are described as “very trustworthy,” and His house is said to be “holy.”
    • The theme of holiness and the need for purification to serve God is prominent in both the first reading and the psalm.
    • The Catechism on the Call to Holiness: 2013–2014, 2028, 2813.
  3. Responding to God’s Call:
    • Isaiah 6:1-8: Isaiah responds to God’s call with willingness and readiness to be sent.
    • Matthew 10:24-33: Jesus instructs His disciples about the challenges they will face and encourages them to be fearless in their mission.
    • Both passages emphasize a faithful response to God’s call, even in the face of potential suffering or difficulty.
    • CCC 307, 618, 1505, 1368, 1460, 2100, 964.
  4. Fear of God Over Fear of Man:
    • Matthew 10:24-33: Jesus teaches the disciples to fear God rather than men, highlighting the importance of divine over human authority.
    • Isaiah 6:1-8: Isaiah’s vision and commissioning also underscore the primacy of God’s authority and the proper response of reverence and obedience.
    • This connection underscores the centrality of fearing and revering God above all else.
  5. Blessings in Suffering for God’s Name:
    • 1 Peter 4:14: The Gospel Acclamation assures that suffering for the name of Christ brings blessings, as the Spirit of God rests upon those who are persecuted.
    • Matthew 10:24-33: Jesus’ teaching about not fearing those who can only harm the body relates to enduring persecution and the assurance of God’s care.
    • The assurance of God’s presence and blessing in the face of persecution connects these readings, encouraging steadfastness in faith.
  6. Assurance of God’s Care and Protection:
    • Matthew 10:24-33: Jesus reassures the disciples of their value to God, who knows even the number of hairs on their heads.
    • Psalm 93: God’s eternal reign and the stability of His decrees provide a foundation of trust in His protection and care.
    • The emphasis on God’s protective care provides comfort and encouragement for believers.
    • From the Glossary of the CCC: PROVIDENCE: The dispositions by which God guides his creation toward its perfection yet to be attained; the protection and governance of God over all creation (302).

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